Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pioneer Woman

…Is Effing Amazing! Excuse my French, but seriously, I truly aspire to be as creative and wonderful as she is! Ok, so maybe I don’t want four kids, but I wouldn’t mind living on a cattle ranch, riding horses every day (Sailor would have to be kept in an arena safe from the *Scary* cows), making scrumptious food, and documenting daily life with a camera.

I met her on Saturday April, 17 after a short wait in a long line with many other Pioneer Woman fans. I made the trek up to Lake City with Donovan, my mom, and my old co-worker Emiko; I felt like I was 13 again when I met Mia Hamm (I really miss those days with the WNT!)

Our anticipation built as we saw countless numbers of women holding PW’s cook book in the crook of their arms, chattering excitedly about the event. Emiko, Donovan, and I waited in line and we chatted it up with the ladies around us. Ironically, one of those ladies happen to be one of the mom’s I used to be on a message board with, but we didn’t find this out until later! Donovan had a great time charming the ladies and getting a chance to roll around on carpeted floor, a vast improvement over his everyday life on hardwoods!

So finally the moment came to meet PW and let me tell you, she is beautiful! I’m serious, I hope to look that good in 5 years, not to mention 15! By then I’ll have probably let myself go with platters of bacon and Gilmore Girl reruns, be as big as a house and have to shave my head because never bothered to pull a brush through it!

Ok getting back on topic. PW and I chatted about the origin of Donovan’s name and smiled and Emiko took pictures. There isn’t one of us posing because, yeah I get embarrassed by posing and much rather have candid pictures taken. Let’s be honest, I was kinda haggard looking from the book store heat and I have yet to lose the baby tummy. I didn’t want to be the sore spot in the picture next to PW’s glory! I will post pictures as soon as I have time to pull them off the Nikon, but I have been super busy the last couple of days with Pony surgery (it was gross, you don’t want to hear about it!) and other life adventures.

Meeting PW was the highlight of month, maybe even the next couple of months. If I get tickets to the Sounders FC vs LA Galaxy game for my birthday, that might top it, but still, PW Rocks! (hint hint Justin if you are reading this! You only have 2 weeks left!)

Thanks for reading the ramblings!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh hips, how I loathe thee

Attempting to lose weight sucks.

At least if you are a woman. I’m sure if Justin tried to lose weight, testosterone would kick in and he would lose a couple of pounds after just thinking about it for a few minutes.

I on the other hand, have issues.

I have been eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising twice a day x 5 days a week.


+4lbs. Really? Are you sure?

I know that to lose weight, you have to gain muscle first. But it seems that every time I step on the scale, I see the numbers go up and I think what is the use? I might as well sit on my ass and munch on bacon all day while watching Gilmore Girls reruns

At least that would be a lot more enjoyable.

I’ve lost sight of my weight lose goals, all I see is platters of bacon. Who cares if I gain or lose weight, I’m married.

Justin will just have to suffer.