Fall is here! I always judge Fall’s arrival by the appearance of Pumpkin Spiced Lattes at my local Starbucks. I’ve been trying to be good with my Starbucks allowance, but when you’re tired from first trimester hormones, a pumpkin spiced latte is just what I need to help me start my day.
Oh you didn’t know I was in my first trimester? Surprise! Donovan is going to be a big brother! My due date is March 18, 2011, just one day after my mom’s birthday. I guess Justin and I have a knack for planning babies near relatives’ birthdays! Anyways, since this the last baby that will “Spring from my loins” I am trying to enjoy this last pregnancy and not gripe so much about the aches and pains; regardless of how much time I’ve been spending staring at the inside of a toilet bowl lately.
Despite not writing for a very long time, not much has changed around here. We spent a few days at Lake Chelan with Justin’s family, sun, water, and camping; always a good combination. Unfortunately for me, I spent most of the days lounging in a chair, trying not to throw up my stomach contents (Do you see a pattern emerging around here?) Donovan fell asleep on the boat almost every time, something about the purr of a motor and the motion of the waves lulls that little man to sleep! We had a great time and hope to do it again next summer.
We also spent almost a full week up at the Whistler Condo, a time spent walking, swimming, and generally just being lazy. It was GREAT! Donovan loved swimming for the first time and they have a great children’s play ground right outside our door. We didn’t really do much outside of that, but just being away from work and home made for a great vacation.
I will try to update this blog more often, don’t hold your breath though…life is always crazy in the Avara house!