2. Brown your favorite meat, sliced thinly. Here I use boneless chicken breast that I defrosted out of our freezer.

3. After the meat is thoroughly cooked, add your favorite vegetables. I always like to use any combination of onions, bok choi, bell peppers, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, celery, and cabbage. Use whatever you happen to have, remember, we are keeping this dish simple! Here is my favorite mushroom to use, bunashimeji. You can find these in Asian food marts and are simple to use. Simply wash, cut off the bottom that connects all the mushrooms and voila!
4. I use three seasonings to flavor my stir fry: Soy sauce(shoyu), oyster sauce, and sesame oil. All these are added to taste, but go easy, you can always add more but you can't take them out!

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