Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brrrr! its cold in here!

Wow, the last week or so has been crazy, I don’t know what more to say about it. This is just a short recap:
Last Wednesday, I woke up with soot in my nose, was planning on calling Justin later on in the day to call a repairman to look at our furnace. I got a call in the morning at work from Justin saying that our house was full of black smoke and that he was woken up by the carbon monoxide alarm. SCARY! Justin is a heavy sleeper and I don’t even want to think about what could have happened to the two of them, had the alarm not gone off. Long story short, everyone is ok but now we need to replace our furnace. Not so good, especially since I just filled the oil tank! We are going to convert to gas as it is actually less inexpensive than replacing our old oil furnace.
So as of right now, our house is an average of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit with two oil space heaters running in the bedrooms, ITS COLD. If you would like to donate firewood to our cause, please let me know! ;) I am very thankful that no one got sick or hurt AND that we don’t live in a place where the snow is lingering.
Donovan and I were supposed to go to Vancouver with my parents on Saturday but with traveling restrictions we were unable to go. I had to have had a signed and notarized letter from Justin saying that I was not abducting my child. I know these things actually occur, but really? Next time I go across the border with Donovan, I’m going to wear a ninja outfit just because I feel like it!
Donovan and Justin have little cold, complete with runny noses and constant hacking. I, on the other hand, am still healthy. Weird, usually I am the first person in the house to get sick! I really hope that the temperature of the house has nothing to do with the sickness, but I have a nagging feeling that it does.
Well I’m off to do some actual work at my job, wish me luck in finding some!

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